Upgraded Nginx-controller for Kubernetes

From my friend Simas. The ever reclusive genius behind the curtains. I’m beginning to feel like I might be repeating myself quite often if he keeps up this pace. I might also have to get my own ass to work so I have something to show.

For those that don’t know, the nginx-controller is basically an alpha external load balancer for Kubernetes that listens on a specified port(s) and routes traffic to applications in Kubernetes. You can read more about that in my post Load Balancing in Kubernetes.

So we’ve come out with an update to the original nginx-controller located (here).

The original nginx-controller was an excellent start so we chose to push the ball forward a little bit. Please understand this has not been thoroughly tested outside our team but we would love your feedback so feel free to have at it.

Here is pretty much the entirety of the code that was added. It creates a map and iterates over it to populate the nginx.conf file.

		knownHosts := make(map[string]extensions.Ingress)
		// we need a loop to see deselect all duplicate entries
		for _, item := range ingresses.Items {
			for _, rule := range item.Spec.Rules {
				if v, ok := knownHosts[rule.Host]; ok {
					knownTS := v.ObjectMeta.CreationTimestamp
					newTS := item.ObjectMeta.CreationTimestamp
					if newTS.Before(knownTS) {
						knownHosts[rule.Host] = item
				} else {
					knownHosts[rule.Host] = item


Here is the link to the Github where the code is located. Feel free to try it out.




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