Kubernetes Python Clients – 1.2.2

I just created the Python Kubernetes Client for v1.2.2.

I’ve also added some additional information on how to gen your own client if you need/want to.




Created AutoScaling and new beta extensions client




Python Client for Kubernetes

For reasons I’ll divulge in a future post, we needed a python client to interact with Kubernetes. Our latest and greatest work is going to rely pretty heavily on it and we’ve had difficulty finding one that is fully functional.

SPOILER: Go to the bottom of the article if you just want the code. 😉

We explored options like libCloud, pykube and even went back to some of the original python-kubernetes clients like you would see on Pypi. What we found was they were all either a) out of date, b) still very much in their infancy or c) no longer being contributed. And we realized sitting around waiting on someone else to build and maintain one just wasn’t going to work.

So with a lot of exploring and a ton of learning (primarily due to my lack of python skillz), we came to realize we could simply generate our own with codegen. You see, Kubernetes uses swagger for its API and codegen allows us to create our own python client using the swagger spec.

# on mac install swagger-codegen

brew install swagger-codegen

Acquire v1.json from v1.json at Kubernetes website

and run something like:

swagger-codegen generate -l python -o k8sclient -i v1.json

And this was fantastic……..until it didn’t work and the build fails.

You see, Kubernetes is running swagger spec 1.2 and they are using “type”: “any” which is an undefined custom type and codegen doesn’t know how to handle it.

See the github issues referenced here and here for a more detailed explanation.

The end result is, while custom types in swagger-spec 1.2 are allowed, there was no way to document the custom types for codegen to consume. This is fixed in swagger-spec 2.0 with “additionalProperties” to allow this mapping to occur.

But we still had a problem. We couldn’t easily create a python client from codegen.

So what we have done, right or wrong, is replace everything in the v1.json of

"type": "any"


"type": "string"

and it works.

With that here is a link to the v1.json file with the change.

But we also did the same thing for extensions/v1beta because we are working on some future endeavors so here is a link to that as well.

With these v1.json and v1.beta1.json files you should be able to create your own python client for Kubernetes.

Or if you choose, you could just use the clients we created. We intend to keep these clients updated but if you find we haven’t, feel free to create your own. Its dead simple.




As a final departing note, these python clients have NOT been fully vetted. We have not run across any issues as of this moment but if you find an issue before we do, PLEASE be a good samaritan and let us know.

The beta version, because its running against the beta api extensions may not have everything you would expect in it.